Puddleducks Breakfast Club

Breakfast club starts at 7:45am until 8:30am and children are provided with a healthy breakfast whilst with us.
Breakfast at Puddleducks

Breakfast club can be used as and when you require it and invoiced at the end of each month.

At breakfast club we offer a healthy breakfast consisting of cereal, fruit and toast.

Throughout the session children have the room set up into areas, such as role play,
construction, snack area, creative area, book area we also have ‘free flow’ to the outside area
which encourages physical development

Session Times

We offer the following session times

  • Monday – Friday
  • Starts at 7:45am until 8:30am

Session Cost

The session costs £3.50 per child.

Please note – no need to book, just turn up! We invoice at the end of the month for what has been used.

If you would like to find out more about the Puddleducks Breakfast Club then please don't hesitate to

Puddleducks Breakfast Club - Gallery