Here is a list some of the general frequently asked questions you may have, to help give you all the information you need, what we offer and how we do things at Puddleducks.
If you have any further queries, please get in touch, and we will be happy to assist.
Ofsted are our governing body and our registration number is 2670644
Water bottle, lunch box, bag with change of clothes (including underwear and shoes), nappies and wipes, book bag (that we provide when you start), pair of wellies and all in one to leave at nursery, coat, hat, gloves, etc (depending on weather) (ALL LABELLED)
We will ask the parent/carer to send us a picture on Whatsapp of the person who will be collecting and the password provided on your registration form, will need to given when they collect
Parent/carer need to provide a healthy lunch box and we provide healthy snacks
We do understand that this can happen, but we ask if you let us know if this is going to happen as soon as you are aware. If this is a regular occurrence there will be a charge extra for this.
No, we have a strict policy on exclusion periods. For sickness and diarrhoea children must not return to nursery until 48 hours after last bout.
We will not give children calpol within the setting and if they have had calpol and seem too unwell, they are not well enough to be in the setting.
The medicine has to be prescribed by a Doctor with a prescription label, the medicine only has to be for the child (not prescribed for anyone else), and per our policy – the child has to have had the medicine atleast 48 hours before returning into nursery. We will then ask parent/carers to fill out the medication book in nursery and we will give them the medicine, after 4 hours after arriving into nursery.
If your child is ill, we will give you a call to notify you if this is required (sickness etc) and ask you to pick them up.
We ask for parent/carers to let us know so we can monitor this.
Yes of course, you can contact us to tell us.
Yes, we have free flow throughout the day for the children to explore inside and outside at their own choice.
Whilst at nursery, your child needs to be comfortable. We suggest any clothes that you don’t mind getting dirty – we do have a uniform if you would like (please see useful sites).
All 3 year olds are eligible for 15 hours funding. Some 2 year olds may be eligible for 2 year funding and 30 hours funding is available for 3 year olds who are eligible.
To check eligibility visit Childcare choices website.
All our staff are trained in Special Educational Needs and we have a dedicated SENCO (Special Education Needs Coordinator).
We will work with you and your child and outside agencies. We will complete necessary paperwork to ensure your child receives all the help they need. We can apply for inclusion funding which is used in the setting for additional help in the setting.
If your child needs an EHCP (Early Health Care Plan) we are here to help with this process.
Children not in receipt of funding will be charged session prices. We do charge a consumable fee per session currently £1 for funded children.